Project: Luka McCabe Family Home by McCabe Building

When Luka reached out to me to capture their family home, I couldn't have been more excited! I had seen little sneak peaks on Luka’s instagram and I could tell it was a home full of character, just like it’s owners. You know when you meet a family, and they just seem like the kind of people you could sit down and have a good red wine with? That’s what the McCabe’s were like. Luka and her husband Jesse, have three beautiful young kids, as well as running two successful businesses. Styling and capturing images of their place was a lot of fun! Every space had it’s own unique vibe, but if I had to pick a favourite, the kitchen takes the cake. It's is packed with beautiful finishes that all work together to create the most stunning space as the heart of the home. As a nutrition expert, especially when it comes to kids, it's the perfect space for Luka to play with new recipes. I also have a soft spot for the Granny flat! The dream home brought to life by Jesse’s very own successful building company McCabe Building.


Project: Adams St by Folk Studio


Project: Wickham by Orton Haus + Orton Building